1-The raw broad beans:
The Egyptian raw broad bean has many unique characteristics and advantages which are not found in any other kind of bean of any country .this helps in producing high levels of quality of grind beans.

The characteristics are classified as follow:

A-Moisture degree:
As the Egyptian bean is characterized with median moisture degree, as the high one does not help in splitting operation and lead to high amount of broken bean which make the final production of bean bad Moreover, the beans with low moisture degree is very dry, can not be subject to the splitting operation and can be broken to small pieces when it is put under the grind stones

Also, the moderate moisture degree saves the product, and this facilitate the process of storing it for long periods without destruction.

B-the grain volume , shape and size:
The Egyptian bean is very thick which facilitate the process of splitting . It also has various sizes suitable for all tastes once its size is between 6 to 16 millimeter.

There are no dirt in the Egyptian bean that can hardly be removed or can badly affect the grinding machine or the consumer, even if a little amount of it found like pebbles ajnd solid stones.

The mentioned above shows why the Egyptian bean is considered as a standard raw material for producing split broad beans.


2-Cleaning up phase:
It is considered the first phase at which 3 machines are used. The first one is to remove the heavy dirt, the second to remove the light dirt and the third one to remove dusts.
3-The grading  production phase:
In this phase, pierced and graded cylinders are used to grade the beans to six degrees according to its size/shape in order to unify the grain volume to prepare it for the next splitting process.
4-Splitting phase (removing the outer shells):
This phase takes place trough grinding product in dry once it can not be wetted, soaked or washed with water(split beans can be quickly destroyed and can not be stored for a long period if it is mixed with water).

In this process, grinders made from the sculptured granite are used in a special way which facilitate the process of removing the outside shells quickly.
5-Extracting Lobes:
This phase takes place by using a sieve  with different sizes of holes in order to separate the lobes from the powder beans and broken pieces. This sieve is also provided with ventilator to draw the shells and then collected in a separate sailos.
6-Primary sifting:
Through this phase, all the lobes is passed on sieves to advance it gradually to related and unified sizes in order to prepare it for the cleaning process.
7-Cleaning up:
This phase is made manually and in finely in order to protect the product from being brokened. The trained workers can remove the dirt that found in the lobes.
8-Re-sifting and cleaning up:
Through this phase, product is passed for grading it again in order to make sure that the size is fine. At the same time, it is passed again on the workers who revise the cleaning process to verify hand selection.
This phase is made automatically and in metal silo. The weight of bags is controlled automatically. Product can be packed in sacks weighted 25 or 50 k( or any other weight requested by the client).